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Addition Lesson-4

Partitioning for  Addition: 

Adding numbers is often easier if you split them into numbers that are easier to work with and then add them up in stages. This is called partitioning. There are a few different ways to do it.

1. Let’s add 46 and 37.
2. To help with the tricky numbers, we can put the numbers on a grid and label the columns to show their place values.
3. We start by adding the tens together and writing the answer to the right of the equals sign: 40 + 30 = 70
4. And next, we add the ones together: 6 + 7 = 13
5. Now it’s easy to recombine our two answers to get the total: 
70 + 13 = 83
6. By partitioning the numbers, we’ve found that 46 + 37 = 83

let's discuss another example: 346+537=?

1. Let add 346 and 537
2. To help with the tricky numbers, we can put the numbers on a grid and label the columns to show their place values.
3. We start by adding the hundreds together and writing the answer to the right of the equals sign: 
4. next we add tens and write the answer to the right of the equals sign:
           40+30 = 70
5. next we add ones and write the answer to the right of the equals sign:
           6+7  = 13
6. Now it’s easy to recombine our two answers to get the total: 
7. By partitioning the numbers, we’ve found that 346 + 537 = 883