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 Substraction:  Subtraction is the opposite or the inverse of Addition. There are two main ways we can think about subtraction taking away from a number ( also called counting back ) or finding the difference between two numbers.

                    Sometimes we reduce a number by another number this is called subtraction as taking away.

look at these oranges. when we subtract 2 oranges from 6 oranges, there are 4 oranges left.

1. Lets use this number line to subtract 4 from 5. this takes us 4 steps back along the number line to the number 1.

                                        5 - 4 = 1

2. Here. the 4 has been added to 5. and the answer is 9. we have moved the same distance from 5 as we did when substracting , just in the other direction.

                                       5 + 4 = 9